(IAPP, 7th ed. 2024) with Daniel Solove
A distilled guide, Privacy Law Fundamentals analyzes the essential elements of privacy law. It includes an exploration of leading cases, numerous charts and tables, summaries of key state privacy laws, an overview of FTC enforcement actions, and answers to frequently asked privacy questions.
Information Privacy Law
(Aspen Publishing, 8th ed. 2024) with Daniel Solove
This book surveys the field of information privacy law, with excerpts from the leading cases and scholarship. It covers privacy issues involving the media, health and genetic privacy, law enforcement, freedom of association, anonymity, identification, computers, records, cyberspace, home, school, workplace, and international privacy.
EU Data Protection and the GDPR
(Aspen Publishers, 2nd ed. 2024) with Daniel Solove
Developed from the casebook Information Privacy Law, this short paperback contains key cases and materials focusing on privacy issues related to the GDPR and data protection in the European Union. Topics covered include the GDPR, Schrems cases, the right to be forgotten, and international data transfers.
Consumer Privacy and Data Protection
(Aspen Publishers, 4th ed. 2024) with Daniel Solove
This short paperback, developed from the casebook, Information Privacy Law, contains key cases and materials focusing on privacy issues related to consumer privacy and data security.
Topics covered include:
- Big Data, financial privacy, FCRA, GLBA, FTC privacy and security regulation
- Identity theft, online behavioral advertising
- First Amendment limitations on privacy regulation
- Data breaches, data breach notification statutes
Privacy, Law Enforcement, and National Security
(Aspen Publishers, 4th ed. 2024) with Daniel Solove
Developed from the casebook, Information Privacy Law, this short paperback contains key cases and materials focusing on privacy issues related to government surveillance and national security.
Privacy and the Media
(Aspen Publishers, 5th ed. 2024) with Daniel Solove
This short paperback, developed from Information Privacy Law, contains key cases and materials focusing on privacy issues related to the media. Topics covered include the privacy torts, free speech, First Amendment, paparazzi, defamation, online gossip and social network websites.
Technology, Civil Liberties, and National Security
in Conflicts Between National Security and Civil Liberties in American History
(Russell Sage Foundation, Daniel Farber, ed., 2008) with Ronald D. Lee
By examining technology’s potential both to diminish and to enhance privacy when enlisted in the service of national security goals, this chapter summarizes and challenges the standard discourse about the relationships among technology, civil liberties, and national security.

Articles, Essays & Chapters
The President’s Authority Over Cross-Border Data Flows
173 U. Penn. L. Rev. 1989 (2024) with Anupam Chander
Privacy Standing
104 B.U. L. Rev 1795 (2024)
Spiros Simitis as Data Protection Pioneer
1 G.W. J. Law & Tech. (JOLT) — (forthcoming 2024)
Resolving the Conflict Between Trade and Data Protection Law
9 European Data Protection Law Review 296 (2023) with Anupam Chander
Privacy and/or Trade
90 University of Chicago Law Review 49 (2023) with Anupam Chander
Selected by the Future of Privacy Forum as a 2023 Privacy Paper for Policymakers.
ALI Data Privacy: Overview and Black Letter Text
68 U.C.L.A. Law Review 1252 (2022) with Daniel Solove
The Data Privacy Law of Brexit: Theories of Preference Change
22 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 111 (2021)
Global Data Privacy: The EU Way
94 N.Y.U. Law Review 771 (2019)
Data Localization Under the CLOUD Act and the GDPR
2019 Computer Law Review International 1
Legal Access to Global Cloud Data
118 Columbia Law Review 1681 (2018)
Transatlantic Data Privacy Law
106 Georgetown Law Journal 115 (2017) with Karl-Nikolaus Peifer
Selected by the Future of Privacy Forum as a 2017 Privacy Paper for Policymakers.
Systematic Government Access to Private-Sector Data in Germany
in Bulk Collection 61, Fred H. Cate & James X. Dempsey, eds. (2017)
The Value of Privacy Federalism
in Social Dimensions of Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
324 Beate Roessler & Dorota Mokorsinska, eds. (2015)
Reconciling Personal Information in the U.S. and EU
102 California Law Review 877 (2014) with Daniel Solove
The EU-US Privacy Collision: A Turn to Institutions and Procedures
126 Harvard Law Review 1966 (2013)
Information Privacy in the Cloud
161 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1623 (2013)

Shorter Works
Foreward, Determann’s California Privacy Law: Practical Guide and Commentary
A Tribute to Joel Reidenberg
36 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1253 (2021)
Preface: Privacy Law in the Pandemic Year
Korean Legislation Research Institute, Issue Brief: Data Protection (October 2020)
Illusions of consent and COVID-19 tracking apps
IAPP Privacy Perspectives (May 19, 2020)
Protecting privacy on COVID-19 surveillance apps
IAPP Privacy Perspectives (May 8, 2020)
Foreword, Determann’s California Privacy Law: Practical Guide and Commentary
Microsoft Ireland and a Level Playing Field for U.S. Cloud Companies
15 PVLR 1549 (Aug. 1, 2016), reprinted at 16 World Data Production Report 7 (July 28, 2016)
Privacy and Data Security Issues in M&A Transactions – A Checklist
(with Behnam Dayanim and Mary-Elizabeth M. Hadley) (May 17, 2016)
TechCrunch: The Delayed Revolution in Digital Financial Services
(April 9, 2016)
Risk and High Risk: Walking the GDPR Tightrope
IAPP Privacy Perspectives (March 29, 2016)
Navigating the cloud: key regulatory issues to know, Daily Journal
Asia Supplement (Oct. 22, 2014), with Behnam Dayanim
A Checklist of Privacy Considerations for Buyers in M&A
Law360 (Oct 8, 2014) with Behnam Dayanim & Mary-Elizabeth Hadley
Defining “Personal Data” in the European Union and United States
13 PVLR 1581 (Sept. 15 2014) with Daniel Solove, reprinted at 14 World Data Protection Report 4 (Sept. 2014)
Differing Privacy Regimes: A Mini-Poll on Mutual EU-U.S. Distrust
IAPP Privacy Perspectives (July 22, 2014)
Privacy and Security Law: What Korean Companies Need to Know
Paul Hastings Client Alert (July 2014)
The Battle for Leadership in Education Privacy Law (Mar. 27, 2014) with Daniel Solove
In Practice: The ‘California Effect’ on Privacy Law
The Recorder, Jan. 2, 2014
Testimony, Balancing Privacy and Opportunity in the Internet Age
California Assembly Informational Hearing, Dec. 12, 2013
Blog, What Is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Finding Common Ground in the EU and US
Concurring Opinions (June 26, 2013) with Daniel Solove
EU Privacy and the Cloud: Consent and Jurisdiction Under the Proposed Regulation
12 PVLR 718 (Apr. 28, 2013)
Reforming the concept of personally identified information: U.S. privacy law and PII 2.0 (with Daniel Solove), in Neue Regulierungsschub im Datenschutzrecht? 55 (Rolf H. Weber & Florent Thouvenin, eds.), Schulthess Verlag (Switzerland)(2012)

German Works
Daten gegen Leistung: Konvergenz von kalifornischem Recht und DSGVO?
(“Data for Services: A Convergence of California Law and the GDPR?”)
47 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 749 (Issue 12, Dec. 2023) with Jürgen Kühling
Datentreuhändermodelle – Sicherheit vor Herausgabeverlangen US-amerikanischer Behörden und Gerichte?
Computer und Recht 165 (3/2017) (“Data Fiduciary Model – Protection from Data Requests of U.S. Governmental Authorities and Courts?”) with Karl-Nikolaus Peifer
Zur Architektonik des Datenschutzes in den U.S.A., in Datenschutz im digitalen Zeitalter – global, europäisch, national
(2015) (“The Architecture of Data Protection in the USA,” in Data Protection in the Digital Age: Global, European, National)
Referat, in Verhandlung des 69. Deutschen Juristentages
München 2012, Band II/1, O73 (2013) (Presentation, in Proceedings of the 69th German Jurists’ Forum)
“Personenbezogene Daten” aus internationaler Perspektive
(An International Perspective on “Personal Data”),
Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 97 (March 20, 2011)
Das Übersetzen im Datenschutzrecht: Unterschiede zwischen deutschen und amerikanischen Konzepten der “Privatheit”
(Translation in Data Protection Law: Differences between German and American Concepts of “Privacy”),
in Übersetzen, verstehen, Brücken bauen 366 (Armin Paul Frank et al. eds, 1993)
Die neuesten Entwicklungen im amerikanischen Dateschutzrecht
(New Developments in American Data Protection Law),
5 Recht der Datenverarbeitung 153 (1989)